Hello humble readership! Anyone who knows me (i.e. none of you) knows that I am not quick to anger, not quick to raise my fist in the air and become a self appointed champion for a cause. While my fist may be raised in anger now, I am by no means a champion for this cause. I am but one crusader in this journey, a journey where I won’t have to look over my back to see if The Man is attempting to anally penetrate me or if he has dispatched one of his cronies, who I will be calling Lesser Men, which they truly are, Lesser Humans, epsilon fucking minus’ multiplied by infinity plus one. These people hound our disorganized organization, they wish to bring about the fall of a group of outstanding individuals, they wish for the death of the FMC! You may be wondering what precisely the FMC is, but you already know, because you are a part, even though I have yet to send you your registration papers and complimentary mug, and you know you are a part, because when I said FMC your heart knew that this was a just cause. The FMC stands for The Free Media Coalition, The FMC, or if you don’t like the fancy word Coalition, just pretend it stands for The Free Media Cru, it’s more street that way.
The event that brought about this call to arms was one I dread to remember. It was like any other night, I had one of my dogs over to play Gears of War and I was cruising a music blog, this music blog is vast, it’s like an ocean filled to the brim with music! Anyway, while on his blog, I went to the comments section, just to see how many people are praising him for doing this important work, much to my chagrin, his comments section was rife with people shaming him!
Just look at these:
Anonymous said...
please take down the links to:
Elk City - New Believers
Yacht - I Believe in You Your Magic Is Real
We All Have Hooks For Hands - The Pretender
Jesse Malin - Glitter in the Gutter
Stars - Do You Trust Your Friends?
A Sunny Day In Glasgow - Scribble Mural Comic Journal
Bright Eyes - Cassadaga
Voxtrot - Voxtrot
i don't think a SINGLE one of these bands or their respective labels are appreciative of you flaunting illegal downloads of their music. for shame.
Verdict: self righteous asshole.
Anonymous said...
Take down all the records you are illegally offering, ie ALL of them.
Verdict: who the fuck are you?
Ian said...
Hey, could you please take these records down. It's just not cool. I run Afternoon Records (the label We All Have Hooks For Hands is on), and it just hurts to see this.
Feel free to contact me at ian@aftenroonrecords.com
Verdict: yeah, sure Ian, just because you run a record label doesn’t mean you can just tell this guy to take ALL his shit down. that’s just not cool, man.
Look, I am sympathetic to the Afternoon Records guy, but only if he was suggesting the owner of the blog taking down all the We All Have Hooks For Hands records, but his request is just ludicrous. You’ll notice that most of the commentators are quick to dole out the word shame. So how about I serve up a couple words that could very well describe the people who post on other peoples blogs, just to tell them how much they disagree/are brought to the point of retching by the very thought of free(illegal) music.
dicks, fuckers, assholes, cunts, ne’er do wells, pricks, self righteous, people with nothing better to do, cuntmuscles, lifeless, soul eaters, dark lord Sauron, Satan, baby eaters.
Listen, these guys (demons who assume the shape of humans) are just self righteous assholes, ask them to dismount their high horses or toss a rope to the belfry (where they no doubt ring the bell of injustice!) of their ivory towers and ask them to return to the ground, just long enough for you to scoop out their eyeballs with a ice cream scooper.
It might sound like I think this is one big joke, nay, I only use humor to thinly veil my disgust, as a semi-amateur photographer, do you think I care if someone right clicks on my .jpeg and saves it to their hard disc!? I don’t care, because I can’t stop it. Hey, you. Yeah, you. Have you saved any .jpeg files in your life? Because you know that it’s technically the property of whoever took the picture or made the design or whatever, so, if you have saved any illegal .jpegs, I would urge, no, plead with you to turn yourself in to the authorities or at the very least take them down before your soul is sentenced to eternal damnation! But why don’t these self righteous crusaders care about people saving/stealing images?
Well, part of it is because the government has yet to regulate what you can view, another is that they are probably hypocrites. They have never taped anything on a VCR or a DVD Recorder, never ever taped something on a cassette tape for their sweetheart, they have never broken any rules, never lent a rented DVD to a friend. These people are pure. Souls whiter than a fresh snowfall. Yeah, right.
Without downloading music, I would never have heard half of the bands that are now in my repertoire, I would have never gone to any of their shows, bought any of their merch. If it weren’t for downloadable music, I would still be in my basement listening to Linkin Park or Three Days Grace, instead I’m in the basement listening to Beirut, Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, MC Frontalot, and mc chris. Do you think anyone who hasn’t been exposed to the scourge that is downloadable music would be listening to mc chris?! NO. For smaller artists it is certainly give and take, they don’t sell so many records, but the shows are packed (or more packed than without music downloads)
And do you honestly think that I’m going to go my local record shoppe (HMV) and buy the Gulag Orkestar which costs a million or more dollars? Listen, I fucking LOVE Beirut, but I’m not going to take out a second mortgage on my house just to listen to them, I would rather pay the same amount or more and go see him live, and buy some merchandise, at least then the band will actually see the fucking money.
Let’s go back to the people who were on the fucking site in the first place, what were you doing there? Why not just leave? Do you think people actually give a shit what other people think, let alone the fucking owner of the blog? “oh, I guess some assholes got mad and told me to take down ALL my illegal records, I better comply or they might whine some more.” Get a fucking life.
1 comment:
jmurdah, u r officially my #1 hero.
luv alwayz, kroc.
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